Joss Whedon, director of "The Avengers" and the creator of some of my favorite shows ever, has a history of writing strong women characters. Back in 2006, the organization Equality Now honored him for being a staunch ally for women. In his thank-you speech, he decided to talk about the tedious and vapid question journalists never stop asking him. At 6:25, I thought he nailed everything wrong with our culture, but then he takes it to the next level at 6:50 and hammers home the horrible reality
One story to watch... Policing and crime three police officers are accused of trying to discredit former chief whip Andrew Mitchell during the "plebgate" row are now due to appear before MPs.
Reporter Marcel Theroux and director Frankie Fathers join some of China's many millions of male lonely hearts on their search for a wife, and meet some of the 'Love Hunters' working to find them an ideal bride.
A short clip of a woman expinaing her forced marriage ordeal. She tells of how she was forced to marry and how she managed to leave after years of abuse.